Working with new and veteran stand up comedians over the last decade.


One joke could take years in some cases. It is this tenacity and drive that I admire and respect. I feel an obligation to these magical and sensitive creatures. Comedians are my unicorns in this mythical world I live and love in.

Taken backstage at the Colbert Show by Matthew Salacuse (2019)

‘Candi Clare is a powerhouse in the comedy industry. I've met few people in comedy with the kind of passion and eye for talent and development that Candi possesses. I've admired her from afar and now have the good fortune of Candi being an integral part of our comedy team. She has helped our venues and productions immensely with her deep care for comedians and tireless work in helping them become the best comics they can be on and off the stage. Candi doesn't try to change a comics voice, rather she takes the time to help cultivate how they want their voice to be in a supportive and exciting environment. To have access to someone like Candi is invaluable and taking part in her class is a must for any comedian looking to take their comedy to the next level.’ - Emilio Savone, Co-owner New York Comedy Club

With Emilio Savone and Scott Lindner, the owners of New York Comedy Club.

With Emilio Savone and Scott Lindner, the owners of New York Comedy Club.

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‘Candi Clare is the real deal. She’s a comedy expert, always has great notes, and is positive and encouraging. I strongly recommend that every young comic work with Candi and shower more regularly.’ - Gabe Mollica, Comedian

‘Candi’s insights have helped my bits evolve into crowd pleasing jokes. She’s helped me become more relatable and also push topics to places of hilarity. Not just a great sense of humor but she’ll have a great sense for your humor. She’s da best!’ - Meno Fernandez, Comedian

‘Meeting and working with Candi was the last piece of the puzzle I needed to become a full time comic. The rare human in comedy who actually wants you to succeed!’ - Maximilian Spinelli, Comedian

‘Candi is an incredible resource in the comedy world. She was instrumental in my success as a comedian and had great feedback and notes on all my sets. And not just that, she truly cares about the talent that she fosters. She has helped open doors for me in the comedy community and I am forever grateful for that!’ - Gus Constantellis, Comedian

‘Candi gives you concrete, practical advice on how to improve your material and career. She’s endlessly supportive and kind. I consider myself fortunate to have such a funny and genuine person in my corner.’ - Ben Kirschenbaum, Comedian

‘Candi Clare gives honest, no bs constructive criticism to help you on your comedy journey. Her “comedy church” feedback sessions have been a fun, convenient  outlet for us to spitball and develop new bits.’ - Mike Lee, Comedian

‘Candi is an absolute pleasure to work with. She always has insightful thoughts and suggestions on how to improve new bits. She understands what makes each comic unique and pushes them to be their authentic selves. She is always available and responsive when asking for advice on stand-up, scripts and the business. Most importantly she is a great person and genuinely cares about the people she works with. Would definitely recommend her!’ - Mike Bramante, Comedian

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‘Candi Clare has been the single most important person in my comedy career. She has believed in me and nurtured me in this business in a way that has honestly left me humbled and gobsmacked.

The thing about Candi is that she is more than a mentor she is a guide in a business that can often feel overwhelming and scary where most people either never find their way or get easily lost. Candi is able to reach into the comics sense of humor and bring out the natural voice that will also capture the public.

I have never done an important performance without running it by Candi. Having talent and having it honed by such a brilliant mind as Candi is one thing…but then there’s the business side.

The doors Candi has opened for me are too numerous to count. This is important as you can be the funniest human alive but if you do not have someone believing in you and helping you figure out the business of comedy that talent will go unseen.

Candi’s ability to help the comedian find their true north is one that I am forever grateful for. Working with Candi has been the happiest thing of comedy career. I do not know how she does what she does but trust her. It will change your life.’ - Ashley Austin Morris, Comedian and Actor

‘I am glad I took Candi's class. Her knowledge of the business, the comedians she exposed me to, and the show she produced at the end of the course made me a better comedian and made me feel that to be a comedian is realistic, and not just a silly dream.’ - Elazar Friedman, Comedian

‘Candi's class is amazing and will be one of the most helpful developmental experiences in your career for any comic wanting to work professionally. Candi knows comedy - what works and what doesn't (and why). She can help fine-tune an already tight set, but more importantly can help you find your unique perspective and style and teach you how to showcase it. Candi has years of industry experience and an extensive network of industry contacts - national headliners, club owners and managers, late-night TV writers and bookers etc. If you take her class you'll hear from each of these personally, alongside Candi. Plus, she's just an absolute legend of a person! - Jimmy HVD, Comedian


‘Candi is a comedy coach, mentor, industry expert, all wrapped in one. She recognizes talent, nurtures it, and helps comedians course correct as we try to find our voices and paths. Everyone has a different path and moves at a different pace. Candi recognizes this and always has sage advice specific to the path you’re on.’ - Adam Muller, Comedian

‘Candi helped me learn to harness my true voice and essence as a comic. She has a great way of getting you to look at yourself from the outside in to better connect with the audience and I have seen a huge change in being more present when on stage. Candi takes a unique approach to each comic, and offers advice on how to carve your own path to success based on your unique skills and personality. Besides all that, she is warm and inviting, and access to her help doesn’t end when the class ends. She is always there to bounce ideas with, and as a resource for introductions in the comedy scene. Great caboose, too. Highly recommend!’ - Mae Planert, Comedian

Candi gives invaluable feedback about both the art and business of comedy. She's also a kind, fun person to be around in a business where--you'll be shocked to discover--not everyone is off-stage! I'd recommend her comedy development services to both newer performers and comics that are looking to take their career to the next level.’ - Laura Merli, Comedian

‘Candi’s gift is her ability to hear you - she’ll never give up on your under-developed, in-comprehensive bit or heavy accent.’ - Ryo Hayashi, Comedian

‘Candi's ear for comedy is on point. She gets to know the comics she's working with so well that her comments on your bits are totally personalized to you and your style. She loves her comedy peeps and makes the tough process of writing and editing feel like a supportive warm hug.’ - Abby Washuta, Comedian

‘Candi's notes are the best kind: the one's you don't feel are a note, you forget you got, and later when the joke is killing you think you are a genius. Until you remember and go "I better give Candi a call.’ - Juan Nicolón, Comedian

At the Connecticut Comedy Festival 2020 with the New Talent Showcase.

At the Connecticut Comedy Festival 2020 with the New Talent Showcase.